

Ernst van Alphen is Emeritus Professor of Literary Studies at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. Particularly interested in issues central to modern and postmodern literature and in the relation between literature, critical theory and the visual arts, his work encompasses research on articulations between trauma and memory and their role in literary and artistic representation, gender studies, and problems related to archive, image and photography. Amongst numerous publications, Van Alphen authored books such as Logs of Sculpture (2022, in press), Un/Productive Archiving (2022, in press), Shame! and Masculinity (2021), Failed Images. Photography and Its Counter-Practices (2018), Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in Times of New Media (2014), Art In Mind: How contemporary Images Shape Thought (2005), Armando: Shaping Memory (2000), Caught by History: Holocaust effects in contemporary art, literature and theory (1997), and Francis Bacon and the Loss of Self (1992). As co-editor, also published How to Do Things with Affects – Affective Triggers in Aesthetic Forms and Cultural Practices (with Tomáš Jirsa, 2019), and The Rhetoric of Sincerity (with Mieke Bal & Carel Smith, 2009). 


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Author Biographies

Paula Ribeiro Lobo, NOVA University of Lisbon

Paula Ribeiro Lobo is Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Art History of FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. She holds a PhD in Contemporary Art History from the same university, with a thesis on the relation of Portuguese 20th century art to the image and imaginary of the Portuguese colonial empire. As a full member of IHA-Instituto de História da Arte, she integrates the Contemporary Art Studies research group and research lines "Transnational Perspectives on Contemporary Art" and "Spatial Practices". She has co-organised and participated in national and international conferences, and published several academic articles and book chapters. Her research interests include the relation of art and power during dictatorships, contemporary art interactions with memory and history, and artistic experimental pedagogies.

Ernst Van Alphen, Leiden University, Netherlands

Ernst van Alphen is a professor emeritus of of Literary Studies at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.




How to Cite

Ribeiro Lobo, P., & Van Alphen, E. (2022). ERNST VAN ALPHEN. Archivo Papers, 2(1), 13–21. Retrieved from