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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submissions to this journal imply acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship. (download document in the Guidelines for Authors and include it in your submission)
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text documents are submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Authors, and the writing and spelling have been carefully reviewed. Texts containing grammatical or spelling errors will not be accepted.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided for references, and DOI references have been included in cases where they exist.
  • With exception to the biographical note, all other files are anonymised. File captions do not include your name.
  • Figures included in the submission respect the formatting requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • Ensure that you have obtained any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing any Figures or Illustrations in your paper.
  • Mandatory metadata has been added in the corresponding section (author/authors, affiliation, ORCID code, funding of the work if applicable, etc.)

Author Guidelines


Archivo Papers Journal is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original research. It accepts submissions of original content that aligns with the ongoing Announcements associated with upcoming themed volumes. The journal accepts unpublished complete texts that have not been previously published, either in whole or in part, in any other publication. Submissions should not be under consideration by another journal during the review process at Archivo Papers. Please note that this journal exclusively publishes content in English. Submissions in other languages will not be considered for publication.

Archivo Papers uses Open Journal Systems, an open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.


Prior to submitting your manuscript, we kindly request that you thoroughly review and adhere to all the guidelines and instructions provided for authors below. Manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines may be returned.

Aims & Scope

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have read the journal’s Aims & Scope.

Article Types

Archivo Papers Journal publishes the following type of original content:

  • Academic articles
  • Visual essays
  • Interviews
  • Exhibition/Book reviews



1.1 Peer review

Archivo Papers is dedicated to upholding the integrity of the peer-review process.
Submissions undergo an initial assessment of suitability by the journal editor(s). The following criteria will be considered: originality, contemporary significance, and novelty; whether the article is the result of a funded research project; relevance to the fields covered by the journal; methodological quality, presentation, and writing.

If the initial review is successful, the manuscripts are forwarded to independent, anonymous external reviewers using a double-blind system.

1.2 Funding

Archivo Papers requires all authors to acknowledge their funding sources.  If your manuscript is associated with research funded by an external entity, please include a “Funding” headline below your article text stating the following:

This work was supported by [Funding Agency], Grant [grant number].



2.1 Authorship

Authors and co-authors must be identified with their contact details and institutional affiliations via the submission system. In the case of co-authored submissions, the editorial team will communicate  only with the person identified as the corresponding author.

Submissions to this journal imply acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship. Download document, sign it and include it in your submission.

Authors who have previously contributed to the journal are not permitted to submit proposals in consecutive years. They must observe a minimum two-year interval before submitting a new article.

2.2 Text Formatting

The accepted format for your manuscript is Word.
In all type of submissions, the text should be double-spaced throughout, left justified with standard margins. Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt font. 
Any headings/subheads should be consistently signaled with bold.

2.3 Figures

Figures and other files should be submitted separately. Please add a placeholder note in the running text where the image should be inserted — i.e. [insert Figure 1]
Figures should be formatted as jpeg files, 72 dpi, 2400px width, "saved for web.

2.4 Using Third-Party Material

If you intend to incorporate any third-party material in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, it is imperative to obtain written permission from the copyright holder or representatives before submission. These materials should be submitted as separate files along with your submission.

2.5 Reference style

The Archivo Papers follows the CMS reference style. Please refer to the The Chicago Manual of Style guidelines to ensure your manuscript adheres to this reference style.

2.6 Language & Editing

All submissions must be in English. Please ensure that the manuscript has been proofread, as the poor quality of manuscripts may hinder publication. 

2.7 Publishing agreement 

This journal mandates that all contributing authors sign a Publishing Agreement, whereby the author retains copyright in the work but grants Archivo Press (publisher) the right and license to publish.

2.8 Publication Charges

There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.



Please ensure that your proposal is anonymized, and the files [title and content] you submit do not include your name or any form of identity.

Manuscripts should be sent in a .doc file, and figures should be sent separately. Proposals submitted in PDF will not be considered.

3.1 Articles

Articles submitted to this journal undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Upon approval by the editor(s), the manuscript will then undergo double-blind peer-review by anonymous expert referees.

A typical article for this journal should fall between 5000 and 7000 words — including the abstract, keywords, endnotes, references and bibliography. References should be formatted as endnotes, following the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) guidelines

Article submissions should include separate files with the following:

  • Title, abstract (100-150 words), keywords (5), and the article
  • Name, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID, short biographical note (80 words)
  • List of figures
  • Figures (max. 5) — jpeg, 72 dpi, 2400px width, preferably "saved for web"

3.2 Visual Essays

Visual Essay submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:

— The essay should not exceed 10 pages and must include an introductory note contributing to the understanding of the visual work and its connection to the theme of the volume. 

— The word count for the introductory note should fall between 800 and 1000 words, excluding notes, references, and bibliography.

Submissions for Visual Essays should include separate files with the following:

  • Title, abstract (100-150 words), and keywords (5). 
  • Introductory text (800-1000 words). References should be formatted as endnotes, following the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) guidelines
  • Short biographical note (80 words) along with the author's name, e-mail, and website
  • Suggested layout of pictures in a PDF file (10 A4 pages / 10MB max)
  • Figures — jpeg, 72 dpi, 2400px width, preferably "saved for web"



3.3.1 Interviews 

Interviews should feature conversations with experts in the field of visual studies and lens-based media practice, including scholars, authors, artists, curators, etc., whose work aligns with the theme of the respective volume.

Submissions for interview should include separate files with the following:

  • Title, abstract (100-150 words), keywords (5)
  • Introductory text (500-1000 words) and interview (total should not exceed 7000 words — including the abstract, keywords, endnotes, references, and bibliography) References should be formatted as endnotes, following the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) guidelines
  • Author(s) name, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID, short biographical note (80 words), including information about the interviewed subject.
  • List of figures (if applicable)
  • Figures (max. 5)— jpeg, 72 dpi, 2400px width, preferably "saved for web (if applicable)

3.3.2 Reviews 

Reviews should directly relate to the theme of the respective volume.
Reviews authored by the reviewer or curator of the work under review will not be considered.

Reviews submissions should include separate files with the following:

  • Title; information about the reviewed content;
  • Review text (1500-2000 words)— including the abstract, keywords,endnotes, references, and bibliography). References should be formatted as endnotes, following the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) guidelines
  • Author(s) name, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID, and short biographical note (80 words)
  • List of figures (if applicable)
  • Figures — jpeg, 72 dpi, 2400px width, preferably "saved for web (if applicable)



Production Process

Authors will be informed by the journal as to the article’s progress.
Accepted articles must adhere to the journal's format. If errors are detected, they will be corrected by the journal's editorial team. Authors have a period of 15 days from the acceptance note by the editors to make the modifications and corrections recommended by the reviewers. Once reviews are finalised, authors will receive a draft proof on the article before publication, which are expected to be returned with any necessary minor corrections within one week.

The content and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the views or editorial policy of the journal. Likewise, authors must adhere to ethical principles of research and publication (see COPE). If an article by the author(s) has been previously published in this journal, a new proposal cannot be submitted until at least one year after the publication date. Acceptance of a work implies that copyright rights, in any medium and by any means, are transferred to the journal.

Editing services

Authors seeking assistance with manuscript formatting (including text and figures), as well as English editing and translation services, are welcome to use our Editing Services. To request a quote, please contact us at

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.