Speak for Yourself


  • Farrah Karapetian University of San Diego, USA


This is Scott W.H. Young's post on Twitter of Michael Bilsborough's photograph. It depictsParker Bright's protest in front of Dana Schutz' 2016 painting at the 2017 Whitney Biennial.Schutz, a white woman, painted one of David Jackson's 1955 photographs from Jet magazineof Emmet Till. A black 14-year-old boy, Till was murdered by two white men. His mother, MamieElizabeth Till-Mobley, invited the press to her son's open-casket funeral.

Most followers of this story focus on the painting, rendering these layers of agency invisible.That kind of viewership abbreviates the politics of dissemination. Focus first instead on ParkerBright’s body, photographed by Bilsborough, by the two people in the foreground of his frame,and probably by many others, whose pictures were not appropriated from Twitter. It’s notSchutz who hijacked contemporary communication for civil rights; it’s Bright.



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How to Cite

Karapetian, F. . (2021). Speak for Yourself. Archivo Papers, 1(2). Retrieved from https://archivopapersjournal.com/ojs/index.php/apj/article/view/5