Film as Body, Land and Story

Confronting Colonial History with Indigenous Dance




Indigenous film, Dance, Decolonial arts, Colonization, Residential schools


Dancing the Space Inbetween

Directed by Lacy Morin-Desjarlais.
Written by Lacy Morin-Desjarlais, Michele Sereda

CA, 2015, color, 7 min.

Dancing the Space Inbetween is a short dance film conceived by Lacy Morin-Desjarlais in collaboration with Michele Sereda, inspired by the Regina Indian Industrial School’s unmarked cemetery in Regina, Saskatchewan.

This review focuses on the short dance film, Dancing the Space Inbetween. It approaches Indigenous perspectives and storytelling to honor stories of Indigenous people and the land.


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Author Biography

Amanda Fayant, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Amanda Fayant is a Cree/Métis/Saulteaux artist (B.F.A-film production) and researcher MPhil (Indigenous Studies) based in Trondheim, Norway. Amanda is originally from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, Treaty 4 land. Amanda’s art practice deals with identity, exploring Indigenous feminisms and confronting the impacts of colonial history in Canada. Amanda’s research focuses on developing and supporting Indigenous research methodologies as well as connecting cultural knowledge production through Indigenous feminist perspectives. Amanda’s thesis abstract, Thunderbird Women: Indigenous women reclaiming autonomy through stories of resistance has been presented at several conferences.


Deloria Jr, Vine. 1999. "Relativity, Relatedness and Reality." In Spirit and Reason: The Vine

Deloria, Jr., Reader, by Jr. Vine Deloria, edited by Kristen Foehner and Sam Scinta

Barbara Deloria, 32-39. Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum Publishing.

Hubbard, T. (2016). The Call of the Buffalo: Exploring Kinship with the Buffalo in Indigenous Creative Expression (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. doi:10.11575/PRISM/28021.

Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake. Land as pedagogy: Nishnaabeg intelligence and rebellious transformation. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society Vol. 3, No. 3, 2014, pp. 1-25.

Singer, Beverly. 2001. "Introduction: Thinking Native Thoughts." In Wiping the War Paint Off the Lens: Native American Film and Video, by Beverly Singer, 1-4. Minneapolis: University of MN Press.

Smith, Linda T. 2012. Decolonizing Methodologies. 2nd. Dunedin: Otago University Press.

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How to Cite

Fayant, A. (2023). Film as Body, Land and Story: Confronting Colonial History with Indigenous Dance. Archivo Papers, 3(1), 111–115.