W.J.T. Mitchell is Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago, where he teaches in both the English and the Art History departments. Particularly focussed on the history and theories of media, visual art and literature, from the eighteenth century to the present, his research explores the relations of visual and verbal representations in the culture and iconology. Professor Mitchell edits the interdisciplinary journal Critical Inquiry, a quarterly devoted to critical theory in the arts and human sciences, which under his editorship has published special issues on public art, psychoanalysis, pluralism, feminism, the sociology of literature, canons, race and identity, narrative, the politics of interpretation, postcolonial theory, among many other topics. He has lectured at universities and art museums throughout the United States, as well as in Europe, South Africa, New Zealand and the Far East. His awards include the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Berlin Prize Fellowship to the American Academy in Berlin and the Morey Prize in art history given by the Colege Art Association of America. In 2003, he received the University of Chicago’s prestigious Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching. As an author, his numerous publications include the books Mental Traveler: A Journey through Schizophrenia (2020), Metapictures: A Cloud Atlas of Images (2020); Image Science: Iconography, Visual Culture, and Media Aesthetics (2015); Seeing Through Race (2012); Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present (2011), What Do Pictures Want? Essays on the Lives and Loves of Images (2005, awarded James Russell Lowell Prize by Modern Language Association, and Laing Prize by University of Chicago Press); Picture Theory (1994, awarded Charles Rufus Morey Prize for art history by College Art Association, and Laing Prize by University of Chicago Press), Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology (1986), and Blake’s Composite Art (1977). W.J.T. Mitchell is currently finishing a book entitled Seeing Through Madness.
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